"Soil Questions, Please Answer"


Hey people, so I picked up some fox farm ocean ocean forest. I will be growing one, blue mystic auto in a 3gallon pot with a ton of cfls, almost to many..lol. But question is, How long will this fox farm ocean forest last while growing just one auto until I need to add some nutes? I really dont wanna use any nutes besides a basic flowering formula near the end. Will this be ok?


Well-Known Member
Depends on the volume of the planter in relation to how much veg time you give it.

The bigger she grows in veg, the bigger she'll be in flower, the more soil volume you'll have to use initially to cover her growth.

It's an experience thing that you'll learn as you get to know the strain. Don't expect perfection your first time out.


Well-Known Member
FoxFarm soil contains everything you need to start seeds and feed them for about a month. Cannabis craves nutrients though, earthworm castings and fish emulsion helps but they will need something more. You can veg plants in ffof soil without any nutrients, but in full bloom they will get very hungry.