"Spread some pollen it'll last longer."Cannabis breeding: Feminizing Seeds

I am currently under the impression that if i take pollen from a female turned hermaphrodite, the resulting seeds will be nearly all female is this correct?


Well-Known Member
The way I heard it is, if you take pollen from a female that you deliberately stressed into turning hermie, and pollinate another female plant with it, then you will get feminized seeds. Also, I've read that if you let a female plant go 3 weeks or so after harvest time without harvesting, it will make a last minute effort at reproduction by turning hermie. This pollen can be collected and used in the same way.

I didn't put that want to work from home message in my post. I guess it is put there by the administrator.

Okay. It disappeared.
I can't be hallucinating. There is nothing but blood in my caffeine system right now.


Well-Known Member
if u use hermie pollen u get females that will most likely turn hermie because of the genes or just hermies...u can get a few different females and stress them which ever one does not turn hermie u can get and put some chems that will force it hermie and use that pollen...that way there less likely to go hermie but will still have the gene/s...ya dig? ....MEANGREEN..