Spring '17

sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
Last week I saw a big worm on the Ass Cheese {stl} while looking at pictures I had posted here. Tuesday morning I found several little worms, so chopped the top 2/3rds of her, and a like amount of Gorille de Raisin. Left Rotten Stinking Bastard intact. She was showing the least amount of re-veg. Well, her and Little Sister.

There had been rain and there was more coming. So I clipped the top buds off of everything in the PP and PPS patches on Tuesday. A worm or two, and some rot on the Ass Cheese. Even Little Sister was starting to get white hairs on buds. I didn't take the camera to the PP and PPS patches.

I cut the rest of everything Saturday afternoon. It being the weekend, lots of planes out. So I cut the plants and sat under a nearby tree to cut the buds off the stalks. That cutting is drying now.

Great weather weekend for your harvest! Congrats.
Last week I saw a big worm on the Ass Cheese {stl} while looking at pictures I had posted here. Tuesday morning I found several little worms, so chopped the top 2/3rds of her, and a like amount of Gorille de Raisin. Left Rotten Stinking Bastard intact. She was showing the least amount of re-veg. Well, her and Little Sister.

There had been rain and there was more coming. So I clipped the top buds off of everything in the PP and PPS patches on Tuesday. A worm or two, and some rot on the Ass Cheese. Even Little Sister was starting to get white hairs on buds. I didn't take the camera to the PP and PPS patches.

I cut the rest of everything Saturday afternoon. It being the weekend, lots of planes out. So I cut the plants and sat under a nearby tree to cut the buds off the stalks. That cutting is drying now.

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sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
I worked the 2nd cutting last night at the camp. When you include the 6 Peach seedlings I transplanted and put out in the marsh grass, I was 0330 wrapping up and getting to bed.

sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
And I misspoke when I said the Ass Cheese had the bud worms. It was the GdR. Will have to step up my IPM. I bucked all the buds off the stems last night. Found 4 or 5 of them little fuckers.
