Sproutlin Stuntin


-10.21 Germed paper towel
-10.23 dropped in rockwool.
-10.26 all 18 sprouted took away the dome and begin lighting
-11.13 the 11 remaining sproutlings were moved as op safety compromised, growth had noticeably slowed already tho.

-Bagseed, 8 yr old seeds, stored in dark n airtight but not froze
-op was not at my home, I spent an hour a day with the babies, possible low humidity from lack of misting and a couple hours of 90 temp before corrected.
-rockwool is directly placed into happy frog (old) mixed with some extra perlite

Since the move, and for the days before, growth on these babies has been stunted. Growth has seemed to resumed since but is slowed and the three healthiest are droopy...

Possible culprits:
-overwatering (my first consideration, to try to rectify, I did not water from before 11.13 until 11.17)
-old seeds
-root bound
-humidity too low (removed the cover once they had popped open, previous caretaker did not regularly mist)


Much appreciated,



Update: After much deliberation and the arrival of some Attitude babies the several week old bagseed babies were determined to be too stunted to put so much energy into.

*New babies are thriving in fresh fox farm ocean forest w extra perlite and a bit of kelp meal. Fed once with 1/2tsp of 2-0-0 magic cal and 1/2tsp of koolbloom 0-10-10. Misted often for their sprout and fed evaporated tap water, feedings every 3-4 days as soil dries. Fed mineral water twice and plan to get some distilled water for watering to wash some of this nut asap.

The first two, nightsahade and hindu kush are looking a bit troubled like nut burn. The NS has spots and the kush is starting to yellow some at edges. Any thoughts?

Nightshade 010.jpg
Hindu Kush 008.jpg
Road Runner 007.jpg
Blue Mystic 006.jpg


