starting flowering (help)


Well-Known Member
hey guys, im generally kind of a newb at growing and to this site, but i do have a lot of knowledge on the topic of marijuana and marijuana horticulture.
i have a small garden, with the biggest plants just starting to get preflowers. they have been on an 18/6 light schedule for about 3 1/2 weeks now, the plants themselves being about 5-5 1/2 weeks old.
i am going to start flowering after trashing the males(another week or 2), and plan to do a 24-hour dark period before inducing 12-12. i turn the lights on every night for 18 hours at 7:30, and turn them off for 6 hours at 1:30.
i guess basically what i am asking is do i need to make sure to turn the lights off at the same time, do i need to turn the lights on at the same time, or is there no correlation.
also, does anyone reccomend a 36 or 48 hour dark period before inducing flowering?
and finally, i have heard of giving your plants a high nitrogen dose before inducing flowering, would anyone recommend it?

any feedback would be much obliged



Well-Known Member
make it whatever time your comfortable with, its gonna take a week for it to figure out the light change anyway...