State Senate passes Bills on Ethics Probes. Industrial Hemp and Animal Microchips


Well-Known Member
All you Hemp people! One down the Assembly to go.

State Senate passes bills on ethics probes, industrial hemp and animal microchips

The Senate also voted to legalize farming of industrial hemp in five counties in California for use in making products such as paper and clothes.
Industrial hemp is a variety of cannabis sativa plant that has much lower levels of psychoactive chemicals than are found in marijuana.
"We are not letting our farmers get in on this growing action," said Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), adding that his SB 676 is "getting government out of the way so the free market can thrive here in California."
The measure, passed on a 22-14 vote, would allow farming of industrial hemp as part of an eight-year test program in Imperial, Kern, Kings, San Joaquin and Yolo counties.

And.. We have a Democrat at the Helm!

Go Hemp!