Stunted plants? First time grower.


Active Member
I started these two plants outside. I germed them using the water and paper towel method and it worked perfectly. So I popped em in some miracle grow hydrate soil and added some perlite and the took off. After about 3 weeks I took them from outside and put them in a utility room with 4 13w CFLs. they look very small compared to pictures of other plants I've seen being the same age. Could I have stunted their growth by moving them from 12/12 to 24 hrs? I added some Alaskan 6-4-6 fertilizer to it, only about a quarter of the recommended amount. They look good and green but just really small to be a month old? Anyone see anything I'm doing wrong?



Well-Known Member
Yeah kinda small for one month but it's probably from the lack of light. Your running only 26w per plant so you really need more CFLs if you want more growth. You should be able to get them a lot closer too, they're starting to stretch a bit. But you're right, they look green and ready to take off, just give those girls more lumens.


Active Member
Updated picture. How much closer should the lights be? And how many more of those lights should I get? Low low budget



Well-Known Member
That's about the same size mine was this grow. If you have a Lowes near you they sell 42W CFL's in 6500K and 2700K for about $10 each. Grab four of those and you'll get half descent results. The one with bud is from my first grow where I only used 2x6500K and 2x2700K. You won't get plants like those grown under HPS or MH with the CFL's but you'll get some good smoke.



Active Member
That's awesome man. And yeah I'm gonna try and find some light bulb adapters and put three bulbs in one surge protector and three in another one and have those going with the 4 hanging lights I already have. The 4 bulbs I have currently are all 6500k if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Forget the low wattage bulbs... Get the 26 or 42 watters. They look good, but they just aren't getting light. The longer they sit in veg the more risk of a problem arising.. I hear that the dollar store has 42 watters for a buck. Check there first. or two 26w per plant will do for now.

Wait until the MG rears its ugly head and you will have your hands full keeping them alive. It will be difficult to diagnose problems since you won't know what's in it. MG is best for house plants. With MMJ you want to control every detail if you can. When you repot get some decent soil and you will thank yourself for it.

Also, those cups are letting in light to the root zone. There is a reason pots are black and no light can enter. Use some aluminum foil or a sock to cover your pots so light can't get to the roots.