Sunmaster 600 HPS...

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Does anybody have any experience with this bulb? I just got gifted a brand new one of these and was wanting to know if it is any good. I currently have a AgroMax that has a few hundred hours on it. If the Sunmaster is a better bulb, I will use it and keep the AgroMax as a back up.

What would you guys recommend as the better bulb?


Well-Known Member
I prefer Sunmaster because they are better for flowering however if you want to use it just for a backup that might be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Are they both the same watt? I would just continue using the AgroMax until your grow is finished and then use the sunmaster for a fresh grow and store the Agro for an emergency back-up.

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
They are both the same wattage. I am doing a perpetual grow, so there really is no "good" time to switch. I have no issues with the AgroMax but I have also only used it a few weeks. This Sunmaster just sorta fell in my lap. From what I have been able to research online, the Sunmaster seems to be better than the AgroMax.

Thanks for all the input guys. I really like to get others opinions, especially for something like this. RIU is a great site for "pickin peoples minds". :clap:


Well-Known Member
im glad you started the this thread..because i was looking at the two and it stated on the website that sumaster was better but when I started reading the agromax had an initial lumens of 95k and the sunmaster was 90k lumens when i talked to the nice people at htg he said the only difference was the name...but i must say the agromax did say that it had 30 more blue spectrum for vegging so sunmast could be better for flowering but the agromax had more lumens..either way its 600w HPS so you wont be disappointed probably wont be able to tell the difference.