Super charged coconut oil


Well-Known Member
So I bought 2 grams of shatter from my dispensary for $60.
Had two small tokes of it when I got home in my vaporizer. Then I put the rest of it in a ramikin in the oven for 200 F with a glass pyrex dish over top to try and prevent terpines loss. Let that go 20 min then out it up to 225 F for 30 more.
Added 18 g coconut oil and heated and mixed it up then put it in the freezer.
Here's how it looks.
What would you guys suggest the best solution for using this for stealth on the go application? Would some under my tongue work just like a tincture?
Suggestions? Thanks



Well-Known Member
Personally, concentrated oil like that is unpalatable. Figure out how much you want to take per dose and put it into an edible.

If you want the straight oil, empty gelatin capsules are widely available. Re-liquify the oil and fill some capsules using a medicine syringe.

I found cannacaps somewhat hit and miss- one would blast you off into space while the next would barely take effect.

Also note, soy lecithin is a widely reccomended additive to improve absorbtion - I almost always add it as it's inexpensive and otherwise benign.


Well-Known Member
So I bought 2 grams of shatter from my dispensary for $60.
Had two small tokes of it when I got home in my vaporizer. Then I put the rest of it in a ramikin in the oven for 200 F with a glass pyrex dish over top to try and prevent terpines loss. Let that go 20 min then out it up to 225 F for 30 more.
Added 18 g coconut oil and heated and mixed it up then put it in the freezer.
Here's how it looks.
What would you guys suggest the best solution for using this for stealth on the go application? Would some under my tongue work just like a tincture?
Suggestions? Thanks
there was no need to decarb at those temps as it will lose terps for smoking.
ingesting on the other hand wont matter.
you can make oil for cents on the dollar and accomplish the same result. Just sayin,,,