Switching Sides


Well-Known Member
if your far right, then your blind to some wrong doing by those who came before us. if your far left, you are blind to the positive things those who came before us did for us.
Well done! I am actually an independent. I am very pro liberty and I hate inappropriate police intervention. I think weed should be legal and serious addictions should be handled by doctors, not cops - imagine that.

And you are correct about the far Left and Right. Most of what i post is directed toward the PC sheep.


Well-Known Member
stop calling them liberals man. call em far left. and call what you think are conservatives far right. liberal and conservative is just the stand you take on issues.

if your far right, then your blind to some wrong doing by those who came before us. if your far left, you are blind to the positive things those who came before us did for us.

try to stay somewhere in the middle and try to use good judgement.

Rick, do you have conservative views towards marijuana laws? I doubt it.

Just like there are issues that most "liberals" would take a conservative stand on.
Conservatives view on Marijuana laws.

States choice.


Well-Known Member
I believe that most Liberals hold the views they do because they desire to be on the same side as the people who are more socially consequential to them. In short, they want to have the same opinions as those in the "in crowd." And I believe the "in crowd" thinks the way they do because most of their beliefs appear to be more socially sensitive.

I bet that if you sent most Liberals to another country where most young people and most celebrities were Conservative, those same Liberals would become Conservative in a matter of days.

I do not think the same is true of Conservatives.
That, and it's just easier. Like it's easier to steal food than to produce food. Liberals are fundamentally opportunists. That's why they like to play the victim. To be compensated for the slights life has dealt them. A pretty feeble group without the consent of the real victim, their benevolent hosts.


Well-Known Member
of course. because most people in general dont even know the difference between a liberal and a conservative, between a democrat or a republican so will take the things that beck, oreilly, hannity, olbermann, stewart, etc. say as the absolute truth.......not realizing that these news shows are notorious for twisting media to support a certain point of view or claim.