Taking Action to Over Grow Federal Government Marijuana Policies


Well-Known Member
I have a mind that just thinks oddly enough... just let me start by saying I no longer vote. The last time I did was 1996. People tell me I have NO RIGHTS and in particular NO RIGHT to complain about anything POLITICAL because of this. Let me answer this by saying that according to the Instrumentation of the Declaration of Independence says that men(as in mankind don't freak) enact Government to Secure their God given Rights among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That when said Institutions begin to abuse the POWER given to them by the governed it is our RIGHT and our DUTY to abolish or change these Government institutions.
A funny thing happened on the way to LAW school... I smoked some weed... decided I did not want to join the BAR association(which you have to do in order to be a Lawyer). That did not stop me from learning the laws. In particular a little something called PRECIDENT. It is what Lawyer use, they site similar cases to what ever they are prosecuting or defending and try to convince a Jury and Judge(who is also a member of the BAR assoc.) that their argument is upheld by previous JUDGEMENTS. This is also done when writing and passing new laws.
Well something occurred to me about making marijuana legal for some to use if a proper license is obtained. PRECIDENT was set. You may in the future NOT be able to grow even a house plant let alone a veggie garden without first obtaining a proper license to do so. Depending on who is funding the legislature to write the laws maybe in the future only Corporations will be able to grow plants.
Another thing occurred to me... since marijuana has become a crop that can be legally grown in some states why not use insurance lobbiests to push for a change in drug policy concerning marijuana. Everyone who has the right license to grow should get together and create co-ops, and try to get CROP INSURANCE, it has been around a long time, the government has a VERY vested interest in Insurance Companies (when laws are written that says you have to BUY insurance in order to drive a car that is a vested interest, and also Fascism, but that is another story).
Anyway that is what is on my mind today. Anyone have thoughts on this.
I already know I am paranoid... so... :leaf:


New Member
Well, two things come to mind. Good post, by the way. Very interesting.

1. Jury nullification.

2. All legal medical growers/users should start writing their growing/using expenses off against their state and federal taxes. After all ... its a medical expense, right? Need a new bong, pipe, papers, pipe cleaners? Write it off. Need a new 1000 watt bulb and a new hood? Write it off. Want to use the complete product line of AN nutes at $500.00 per grow? Write it off.
