Taking political science


Well-Known Member
So I decided to take a political science class this semester since it qualifies as an elective for me, and during a discussion, one of my classmates wrote this about common sense.

Well common sense is common sense...people can interperate it to mean what they want, but that doesn't mean it's common sense. Common sense isn't something that varies from person to person. Opinion of common sense might, but some opinions are always going to be wrong. No one person decides what common sense is...common sense just is...

This was very amusing, so I figured I would share it.


Ursus marijanus
I otoh maintain that common sense is subjective and situational. Otherwise it could be reduced to procedure. cn


Well-Known Member
I otoh maintain that common sense is subjective and situational. Otherwise it could be reduced to procedure. cn
Common sense is what you make of it? :lol:

He wrote this because the teacher made this response: I'm not trying to pick on you, but "common sense" means different things to different people. Who decides what's "common sense"?


Ursus marijanus
Put that way, it sounds extreme.
I don't think common sense is either entirely self0-defined (it has the quality of commonality after all) but it isn't objective either ... then it would be beyond cultural context. I'd say "in between".

I can see why the argument that common sense is somehow apart would be tempting. It does rather explain modern snarl phrases like Common-sense ____ Restrictions. cn


Well-Known Member
This basically had to do with a section of the class that was talking about direct democracy, and how laws would be implemented if the public was to write them, and how to weed out the frivolous laws that people came up with. The teacher was basically asking who would be the person to determine what laws was were frivolous and which ones wasn't. My classmate was responding that it should be common sense which laws are frivolous, and at that point came what I posted.

So who would be the person to decide if the common sense law was actually common sense? Who looks over the common sense of the person justifying whether their decision was based on common sense? Eh? :lol:


Well-Known Member
For some people on this forum it might be common sense for races to be segregated. Fortunately common sense is an empty phrase.


Ursus marijanus
This basically had to do with a section of the class that was talking about direct democracy, and how laws would be implemented if the public was to write them, and how to weed out the frivolous laws that people came up with. The teacher was basically asking who would be the person to determine what laws was were frivolous and which ones wasn't. My classmate was responding that it should be common sense which laws are frivolous, and at that point came what I posted.

So who would be the person to decide if the common sense law was actually common sense? Who looks over the common sense of the person justifying whether their decision was based on common sense? Eh? :lol:
I was gonna write something profound, but b...
bend. Straighten. Jiggle.
Bend. Straighten. Jiggle.
It draws me in every time.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a freshman whose about to flunk out. Political science classes can be highly entertaining if you let them be. They can also be highly depressing.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Reminds me of the Pink Floyd song Free Four:

Free Four (Waters) 4:15

The memories of a man in his old age
Are the deeds of a man in his prime.
You shuffle in gloom of the sickroom
And talk to yourself as you die.

Life is a short, warm moment
And death is a long cold rest.
You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye:
Eighty years, with luck, or even less.

So all aboard for the American tour,
And maybe you'll make it to the top.
And mind how you go, and I can tell you, 'cause I know
You may find it hard to get off.

You are the angel of death
And I am the dead man's son.
And he was buried like a mole in a fox hole.
And everyone is still in the run.

And who is the master of fox hounds?
And who says the hunt has begun?
And who calls the tune in the courtroom?
And who beats the funeral drum?

The memories of a man in his old age
Are the deeds of a man in his prime.
You shuffle in gloom in the sickroom
And talk to yourself till you die.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Common sense is what you make of it? :lol:

He wrote this because the teacher made this response: I'm not trying to pick on you, but "common sense" means different things to different people. Who decides what's "common sense"?
the term "common sense" usually refers to basic principles which should not have to be explained like:

Fire hot. Ug not put hand in Fire again.

Dont hit your thumb with a hammer, it hurts

Dont climb a dodgy ladder

Dont drink unlabeled mason jars of fluid from under a crazy person's sink

If someone asks you to "smell this and see if it's gone bad", dont.

Dont walk around on an active artillery range

Every gun is ALWAYS LOADED

Drop your pants BEFORE taking a shit

Dont fall asleep on the railroad tracks

If Uwe Boll directed it, it's a shitty film.

etc etc etc.