TGA team canada


Well-Known Member
Sub, ive been browsing Bbay and as per your PM regarding pain relief strains from TGA that my best bet is JC2 which i will be sure to order.
i also couldnt help notice that the "TGA team canada" strains are selling for 40 USD for the 10 pack.
as you well know in the seed market you may as well be giving them away for that price.
what are your thoughts on the "royal revenge" i see it says pulling early is all about flavor and that at about 60 days potency goes thru the roof.
would you concider this a pain relif strain or where if at all would you place it as a medical strain ??
and to anyone else looking to check out TGA gear, the prices for team canada gear right now at bidzbay cannot be beat . i say get your team canada seeds before the prices hit 70+ USD
great work on keeping seeds affordable sub. you guys just cannot be beat

PS i just ordered the JC2 and cannot wait to crack them beans .... any info on the TGA Canada strains would be great especially the Royal Revenge


Well-Known Member
My thoughts have been the same on this for almost 2 decades bro.
Just not my thing.
It inbreeds problems and out breeds natural resistances and it also goes against the way I feel is the best to grow very strong cannabis which is start a small population and find the best female. For those without room to do this they can get a clone from someone that does :)



Well-Known Member
thanks for the link sub. i am still getting used to the layout at BB and would never have found your strain reviews on my own.
i appreciate your time and everything you do for the MMJ community.
as well i agree with your thoughts on feminized seeds.
and on top of what you have already said about them there is the added bonus of the treasure hunt for that perfect start.