The Enabling America Act


Well-Known Member
Trump needs more power to enact his tremendous vision upon us.

As Stephen Miller said, the judiciary is acting like it is supreme. The President is supreme, he can do what he wants.

Trump should be able to make laws without the obstructionist Congress and out of the way of the prying eyes of the Opposition Party's nosey Parkers and chatty Cathys. Those laws should not have to conform to the Constitution as interpreted by the personal opinions of some liberal so-called judge in Seattle! Sad.

Trump must be given the power to appoint judges without review and those judges must be accountable to him.

This is why I support the "Enabling America Act". Call you Congressman right away.


Well-Known Member
"the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned"