The Harley Rider

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
A young couple was visiting the zoo with their little girl. While looking at the lions, the little girl got too close to the cage and one hungry lion grabbed the little girl and tried to pull her through the bars. Needless to say, the parents were in a panic!

A very large guy was riding by on his Harley Fat Boy and saw the action. He pulled over, set his bike down, walked over to the lion cage and let fly a left hook that Ali would have envied. He hit the lion square in the nose. The lion released the little girl and went away whimpering in pain. The biker took the little girl and handed her to her much relieved parents.

A man came up to the biker and excitedly said: "I'm a journalist with the N.Y. Times. That was the bravest thing I've ever seen. You, my man, are a hero. I'd like to write a story about you in tomorrow's paper. Please tell me a little about yourself."

The biker said, "well ... I'm a U.S. Marine and I'm a Republican."

The headlines in the morning paper read: "U.S. Marine Assaults an African Immigrant and Steals His Lunch!"