The illegitimate president is blaming opposition to his regime on a global Jewish conspiracy


Well-Known Member
Marx was a hateful idiot who hated the fact he was jewish, who wrote, "on the jewish question," who proved that one could be a racist against their own race, desipte how oxymoronic it may seem.

"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew, if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?

The Christian state knows only privileges. In this state, the Jew has the privilege of being a Jew. As a Jew, he has rights which the Christians do not have. Why should he want rights which he does not have, but which the Christians enjoy?"

Those lies you tell about "white privilege" are straight out of Marx's handbook, just replace "jewish privledge" with your "white privilege" and the message is exactly the same.

He was just as much a liar you are and in reality completely in favor of the bourgeois, no matter how much he stated otherwise. The only difference is his ideas were original, while you're just a thief.

Marxism is a death sentence upon humanity which bases morality not on all individuals are equal like he lied, but on artificial classes the state manufacturers to oppress, which he deceptively claimed only happens temporarily while things settle.

But what he fails to mention is the transition will never happen in your lifetime, or ever.

Marxism is a planned culture that's a dystopia for everyone but the chosen elite, who are even smaller than what's currently happening. The end result is slavery for over 99% of the planet, so brutal, death is preferable.

If you think what you accuse me of, which isn't what I claim, but even so, whatever you can imagine I "really" want pales in comparison to if every nation implemented Marx's dream which must be stopped at all costs.

"Marx believed that human history was inexorably moving in the direction of atheistic and materialistic communism, and that he was the leader of an enlightened elite that was destined to take charge of it. In the process, he believed, religion would be abolished, the family would be eliminated as an antiquated institution, women would be shared by men as communal concubines, and all of the forces of material production would be placed into the hands of a totalitarian state led by a revolutionary vanguard that claimed to represent the oppressed classes of society.

Marx assured his readers that, following this transformation, his totalitarian state would wither away, to be replaced by a democratic utopia with no class distinctions. However, the citizens of Marxist states would wait in vain for this promised paradise as the decades passed, languishing under the lash of their communist masters while the capitalist world continued to flourish and grow economically, in contradiction to Marx’s predictions.


Well-Known Member
Marx was a hateful idiot who hated the fact he was jewish, who wrote, "on the jewish question," who proved that one could be a racist against their own race, desipte how oxymoronic it may seem.

"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew, if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?

The Christian state knows only privileges. In this state, the Jew has the privilege of being a Jew. As a Jew, he has rights which the Christians do not have. Why should he want rights which he does not have, but which the Christians enjoy?"

Those lies you tell about "white privilege" are straight out of Marx's handbook, just replace "jewish privledge" with your "white privilege" and the message is exactly the same.

He was just as much a liar you are and in reality completely in favor of the bourgeois, no matter how much he stated otherwise. The only difference is his ideas were original, while you're just a thief.

Marxism is a death sentence upon humanity which bases morality not on all individuals are equal like he lied, but on artificial classes the state manufacturers to oppress, which he deceptively claimed only happens temporarily while things settle.

But what he fails to mention is the transition will never happen in your lifetime, or ever.

Marxism is a planned culture that's a dystopia for everyone but the chosen elite, who are even smaller than what's currently happening. The end result is slavery for over 99% of the planet, so brutal, death is preferable.

If you think what you accuse me of, which isn't what I claim, but even so, whatever you can imagine I "really" want pales in comparison to if every nation implemented Marx's dream which must be stopped at all costs.

"Marx believed that human history was inexorably moving in the direction of atheistic and materialistic communism, and that he was the leader of an enlightened elite that was destined to take charge of it. In the process, he believed, religion would be abolished, the family would be eliminated as an antiquated institution, women would be shared by men as communal concubines, and all of the forces of material production would be placed into the hands of a totalitarian state led by a revolutionary vanguard that claimed to represent the oppressed classes of society.

Marx assured his readers that, following this transformation, his totalitarian state would wither away, to be replaced by a democratic utopia with no class distinctions. However, the citizens of Marxist states would wait in vain for this promised paradise as the decades passed, languishing under the lash of their communist masters while the capitalist world continued to flourish and grow economically, in contradiction to Marx’s predictions.
Just one question,

Is Marx conspiring against Trump?