The Solution: Free Market Health Care ...


Well-Known Member
I've asked you this before and you just deflected with some delusional utopian fantasy, so I'll try and ask it again. If anarchism(or voluntaryism) yielded us chaos, with no police or courts to settle disputes, and huge factions fighting for power of a given areas, people are starving and being murdered...would you still support it as the right thing to do. I do not want to hear your deluded vision of what anarchy would be, I'm asking, if these were the results(which they most certainly would be) would you still support it?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Chaos and disorder make you happy, order and civilization make me happy.

What makes me happy is leaving others alone and being left alone. YOUR version of "order" includes "ordering" OTHERS. Mine doesn't.

How is there chaos if my action or inaction causes no harm to anyone?

How "civil" is it to force your view upon another? YOUR version of civilizaton is not civil, it is authoritarian and relies upon depriving others of their rights .


Well-Known Member
Umm...other people will still cause harm. If we stopped paying welfare, in LA for example(where 1/5 of the population is on welfare), the people will not just starve, they are going to go out and steal, and if there are no taxes to pay for police, then theres no one to stop them....chaos. You would support this, because it would be the right thing to do?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Umm...other people will still cause harm. If we stopped paying welfare, in LA for example(where 1/5 of the population is on welfare), the people will not just starve, they are going to go out and steal, and if there are no taxes to pay for police, then theres no one to stop them....chaos. You would support this, because it would be the right thing to do?

I do not support theft. Stealing is wrong. I do not support theft by the scary people of LA that you fear or the government that you kowtow to.

Then there's no one to stop them?
Why not you?

You advocate paying welfare to keep people from stealing from you? ? You support extorting money to keep the homies from taking your stuff? Bet you lost your milk money at school alot.

I do not believe in initating aggresson, that doesn't mean I won't blow a thief off the back porch with the 12 gauge, don't want to do it, and hope I never have to. Get a gun and be willing to defend yourself. An armed society is a polite society.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Stop deflecting, if your system yields chaos, would you still support it?
My "system" is one of voluntary, not mandatory participation. YOU are deflecting. I asked you how a person that harms nobody can create chaos, YOU did not answer me.

So, AGAIN, how's my living my life free, and harming nobody creating chaos?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I did answer you, there are still other people besides you.

So now you answer me. Yes...or no.
I do not recall your answer being direct, So I'll ask you to confirm that this is your answer... Because SOME people cannot be responsible ALL must be deprived of freedom to particpate or not? Is that your answer?

Here's my answer.
I do not support chaos. I do not believe my "system" will result in chaos, or no more than we already have. Therefore your hypothetical yes or no answer is a dead end. My system will result in freedom for those who harm nobody and a bad day for those who do. There wll never be a world without some chaos. Taking freedom from those who are responsible is the wrong thing to do. Now it's been nice talking to you, but I have to go upstairs to bed and perform some feats of necrophilism on the unsuspecting better half...long day.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I dunno these pharma patents hang for 12 years on the pills they say eh, generic, blue, red, whatever.

I just know when I go into my local drug store, I hate to see that crap on sale y'know the bs, affedrin, head-on-apply-directly-to-the-forehead crap, get-slim-quick drinks and the like.

Does that crap fall under the 35 billion dollar alternative medicine category?

I know there are some home remedy folks out there, more power to them. I hope those sort-of books stay in publication if they are worth a shit, better stock up on them before they yank em from the shelves. <---(joke, its a joke)

But in reality, I would like to have a regulated type of free market somehow if it lowers the cost of prescriptions, and maintains my safety as a consumer in this nation. I mean come on, at the price some of this BS is selling for, you'd think they were drilling on the moon to insist on maintaining these prices and consider hiking them!

It seems not alot of people want to get into health careers as well, shortage of nurses, doctors, staff, radiology, at least, in healthcare, there is ALOT of loot to play with Im sure, and again absolutely has to be a game of musical chairs too Id say, just like the banks, but they are playing with us here too. Obama said we pay 77% more here in USA for our meds than any other country? Hypocondraics, Munchausen syndrome. Hey, maybe Attention Deficit Disorder ADD is a lie, Ill never know, or if your kid really NEEDS it, but hey your premium may cover it, so what the hell, put timmy on some crap why not.

I hope you are in good health today friends.