Think it will flower good?


Well-Known Member
I vegged it for 2 months and have been flowering 12/12 for a week now and see pistons it's a girl yeah. I'm using Fox farm bloom for flowering the lights I have is a big eko 5500 Spectruim 7000 Lummy Light, 2 leds 168 red and blue, two enhanced coiled refelected 6500ks, a 2400k and another regular 6500k.



Well-Known Member
why not let it go until it is better suited for budding? space requirements or you are just antious. Why isn't there a damn spell check on this thing???


Well-Known Member
What you mean this strain most grow short to my knowledge it would have hitted it's growth spurt way before 2 months

If so how should I go back to vegging the plant without shock??????


Well-Known Member
Ya, you can def go back to veg if you've only been in a week. You should look at the new nodes of your plant to tell if its time for flowering. Have the nodes stopped coming out in pairs? I attached a picture of my lil guys, they are about the same age as yours (maybe a hair younger), about ~18" each. Mine still probly have about a month left unless I want to short myself with a smaller harvest.



Well-Known Member
Yes I topped it just once 2 weeks ago. she lets off a good smell and crystals that's why i put her in flowering. so your saying I can put it back to 18/6 ??? What about the flowering nutes I just started using.


Well-Known Member
yes, you can put it back in 18/6. I wouldn't worry about the flowering nutes, just go back to your previous solution the next feeding.


Well-Known Member
k thanks I hope swithing back wont mess anything up. I have it back at 18/6. I will just use water filtered next time for watering and then go back to my Growing nutes I guess. I wanted a small one but I will probably get a bigger yield following you guys is feedback. thanks.


Well-Known Member
I trimmed off most of the leaves close to the soil and where the bottom preflowers are. I will post some more pics once i see more change. I put it into 22/2 and will switch back to 12/12 next month which will make it 3 months.


Well-Known Member
u keep switchin up the light cycle n yer gonna have mostly males and hermies man . keep it on one scedule. 18/6 is perfect.


Well-Known Member
you shouldn't have switched back, you'll probably have a hermie now.
and you don't have to let it grow until nodes alternate. I vegged for a month and as they hit flower nodes started that. It would have been fine and it is going to get about 2.5 to 3 times that size and that plant looks bushy as hell so its going to have tons of bud sites. Its allways good to have a second opinion especially before changing something drastic like that.

mine is about 26 inches tall now and was like 8 at flower start. better to have too much space then not enough.

oh yah very nice looking plant


Well-Known Member
So you guys think it will flower right with my light setup? View my first post and my journal for specs and pics.

Should I foulder feed it?