This is drying method acceptable?


Well-Known Member

I was wondering, since I need a stealth dry box, if I could paper bag the buds and place them in the pc that I am growing in (has a carbon filter). I think that if I jostle them around twice a day and place them near the exhaust fans they should be okay. Is this correct?

I should be jar curing, also.



Well-Known Member
could you rig it so your bud hung in the bag, and leave the bag open just a bit? I have a cure box in my grow room. same thing just smaller. made mine from a card board box.


Well-Known Member
That will work.. I've done in a box between newspaper..rotate paper daily.. move weed around.. this way works good on airy buds as is compresses them a bit......
Just make sure to get fresh air in daily... Luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I believe that it'll work out well. Thanks for the advise and support.
