Training my NL auto


Active Member
Hey guys I was wondering if I could train my NL auto til fill a 2x3 space. My box is only 3.5ft tall so I was hoping I can really lay it down and fill the area. My seeding is only 1 week old st this point growing in organic mix. I have a White Widow seed I can start as well but didn't want to over crowd if I can fill the space with one plant. TIA!


Well-Known Member
Hard to train an auto unless you know what your doing.Training is easy,Getting it to grow fast enough to train before it goes into flower is a whole nother story.your auto will fit in a 2x3 no it to take up the entire 2x3,that should be a challenge.You would have to have a good seed also.not all auto seeds are the out of a 6 pack you might get one that would do it but your still back to providing a stellar environment for it to reach that potential.topping and training is really for photos where you can veg them out for a longer period to fill in your space.You would be better off training 2 or 3 plants in that space to get it filled in.If only having one plant is your only option than just let it grow and bend the top over when it gets to tall.It will lay over but start growing back up.just pinch it and lay it over.It will form a knot and stay that way.Some guys get all crazy and finger fuck there plants but it aint that serious.just pinch and bend.theyll come around.


Active Member
Hard to train an auto unless you know what your doing.Training is easy,Getting it to grow fast enough to train before it goes into flower is a whole nother story.your auto will fit in a 2x3 no it to take up the entire 2x3,that should be a challenge.You would have to have a good seed also.not all auto seeds are the out of a 6 pack you might get one that would do it but your still back to providing a stellar environment for it to reach that potential.topping and training is really for photos where you can veg them out for a longer period to fill in your space.You would be better off training 2 or 3 plants in that space to get it filled in.If only having one plant is your only option than just let it grow and bend the top over when it gets to tall.It will lay over but start growing back up.just pinch it and lay it over.It will form a knot and stay that way.Some guys get all crazy and finger fuck there plants but it aint that serious.just pinch and bend.theyll come around.
Ok I've got another seeding goin now in hopes to utilize the little amount of space that I have. So instead of topping these plants I should just bend them over and pinch? So whe you say pinch you mean as in do not completely pinch it off but enough to damage and stop growth? What's the difference? I don't have any experience training autos. The first seedling is 9 days old and just getting its 3 leaf nodes. I wouldn't train them if I had a taller ceiling in my box but I'm limited to 3.5 ft. Thank you for your knowledge. I don't care what anybody else says about you. You obviously know what your talkin about.


Well-Known Member
Bending them over won't damage them.try and give the stem a pinch and soften the stem.than bend it over.when u do that the tip of the branch will start to grow upwards.where you pinched will form a.knot and it will be like it never happened.this will keep your tops low and can do this to one for now and you'll see in about a day what happens.than you will get the feel for it.