Transplant, when?


Well-Known Member
My 4 week old aouto ak47
I have a 1,4l pot. I've noticed that in a water hole is coming a little root. It's very small, and I don't see other roots in tho holes. Do you think it's ready for the transplant?


Well-Known Member
You could transplant it if you want. I don't think it's out grown that pot size yet. I personally would leave it in there for a bit more. You will get some roots that come out of the drain holes. Thats ok. I have a clone thats alittle bigger then that in the same exact pot. I have roots coming out of the drian holes too. I have no plans of transplanting yet.


Well-Known Member
Usually a good idea to repot when you see the tap root. When you repot fill your container to the top with soil. It looks like you are shorting your self soil already in the pot you are in. Looks very health. Good work bro!


Well-Known Member
You can put it in its final pot if you like, or just a step larger. That's a bit over two gallons if I'm converting in my head right, so.. yeah, that'd work, depending on how big you want it to get or if you're gonna transplant again. As they get bigger it becomes more difficult for me to transplant easily (I am growing old and have a bad back), so I like to put them in their final spot pretty quickly, one transplant only if I can help it.