Trying to get ready


Well-Known Member
I have a couple questions, and yes....they are probably stupid questions, but please bare with

First question...When do you start counting the time of your flowering time ? Another words, Do you start when you change the time or when you see signs of sex ?

Second question...I notice that a lot of people say to flush out your plants in the final couple weeks...I know what flushing is, but this is my scenario, as it is now, im only watering/feeding around once a week. I have it in a 10" pot and it was in a 6" prior to that. I skipped sizes as I didnt want to worry about transplanting in flowering my second question I guess is this, Should I start flushing sooner than two weeks if Im only watering/feeding once a week ?

Third and final question for free to laugh at the noob question of the day by the does SOG stand for ? see it everywhere and havent the slightest clue what it is or