Tub/Tote Build


Well-Known Member
hey guys what's going on. I have two MikroMachine auto flowers under a CFL light until I configure my build using storage bins/totes

The dimensions are..
2ft Wide
1ft Length
2.5ft Height

I have a 300w LED panel and I plan to use a 200mm PC fan for the exhaust and have passive intake holes at the bottom. I will also be making a carbon filter or simply laying filter sheets over the exhaust .

Main concerns are heat and smell do you guys have tips ? I'm on a budget right now things are tough.

image.jpeg image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
For building the carbon filter, I would get one of those pet furnace filters and cut a piece of the carbon and put that on the PC fan. And depending on your heat, you might wanna put more than one of those fans in there.


Well-Known Member
Just made a mock setup I didn't cut out the exhaust port yet but the heat is pretty extreme I need to get a thermometer in there but the sides of my totes are very hot to the touch.