Urgent suggestions needed on Cutting for airflow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my WW plants are not very tall, in 6th week of veg, and they are about 28-32 cm tall, however they are very bushy. i was wondering, would cutting the bottom leaves damage the plant? i want to improve the airflow, also because these bottom leaves arent recieving any light :weed:

I really appreciate your answers


Well-Known Member
Let your plant tell you when to prune. When the leaves are greater than 50% dead/yellow/diseased, it's time to remove them. Even better if you let them fall off on their own, just don't leave any dead leaves in your grow area.


Well-Known Member
By the way, be a little more patient. You couldn't wait 15 minutes before needlessly bumping your topic? Not everyone works on the same schedule as you.


Well-Known Member
sorry, your right, its that my internet comes and goes, i could be without internet for up to a day...

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I've read that alot of growers like to cut the bottom pair of leaves because these are responsable for the production of hormones that keep the plant bushy. Cutting the bottom pair will induce a strong growth in height.

I personally wait (like Cr8z13 suggested) for the leaves to show some deterioration (30-60% of entire leaf) and then I cut them right from the stem.