using pepper/garlic/soap on plants...

im growing about 10 or so clones up in the hills behind my house. its just forest so i dont exacly have a lot of control over pests but i will do my best.

i refuse to use any chemical fertilizers, pesticides, ect. i know for my flowers i usually just use soap and spray on the leaves if i have a aphid or bug problem.

wat i plan to do is as soon as i notice any bug damage ill make a solution of soap, garlic, and hot peppers.. and spray on the leaves.

only one thing i am wondering, will this make my weed actually taste like pepper or garlic? like wat if i accidently sprayed it on a bud?
thx all:peace:


Well-Known Member
Neem oil for bugs.

You're describing something like the mix I use to keep deer away.