Vancouver Island Seed Co. UPDATE!


Active Member
:clap:Thread Title: VISC
Selection: 7/8
Price: 6 I'll let you know in 3 months!
Service: 0 There is none......
Stealth Rating: Yeap, no details but yes.
Would you order from the same bank again: YES! Aside from the customer service thing, I sent them CASH and got meh beans.
Other Comments: 36 days.......Patience is a virtue........that I obviously dont have. Ordered Fucking Incredible and recieved 5 of each of the following : FumarDiablo x Burmese, Mystic, and Romulan x Diesel x F.I.

I feel like such a jerk and I HAD to post this update. Lol this will quiet the wife. Already ordered a bunch from Attitude as well haha. Will be a good year!