Vaporizer question


Well-Known Member
so yeah, im definately a noob as far as vaporizing goes. i just bought one yesterday. and was wandering exactly what temp it should be at. im using 395 cause top the best of my knowlege it should be around that temp buuuuut. if im wrong please correct me i'd like know know temps for other herbs rather than marijuana too. but pot of course is the most important to find out. thats all... thanks


Active Member
If you are vaporizing marijuana you should use 185 Celsius. Took me about a pound of marijuana to decide what the best was, but I can tell you that 185 is the shit. I get compliments on the smoothness every day, then again it is a digi D:

185 C


Well-Known Member
TCH vaporizes at 392 deg F. Other Cannaboids such as CBD and CBN which add to your high will vaporize at 441deg F. Cannabis burns (and turns into about 120 other substances to include carcinogens) at 456 deg F. I use a Volcano Digital Vaporizer and crank it up to the max 446 deg F. TRUST me when I say this, the difference between 395deg and 446deg is big. As long as you keep it under 456 you are good....but for best results you need it at at least 441degF.