Venezuela and Atlas Shrugged


Well-Known Member

I've been loosely following Venezuela's spiral into madness and I'm struck by the similarities in the decline of society in Atlas Shrugged - the demonization of individual advancement as profiteering; criminalizing free market and the ability to keep prices in pace with inflation; government army troops taking over private business and property; the creation of a new vocabulary to demonize the individual and glorify the state.

Watching them in the news every few days is like a strobe light on an insane dance.

Chavez takes control of foreign supermarket


Venezuela nationalizes foreign-owned supermarket chain



Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Venezueala ...A THEATER coming soon? They DO have oil. They ARE in this hemispere, which makes them easy prey. Maybe the Monroe Doctrine could be tweaked to permit the invasion. Maybe Chavez could become Noriega's cell mate.

Wait and see, the sabre rattling should start soon.

Illegal Smile

When your enemy is self-destructing, stand back and do nothing.


New Member
Atlas Shrugged ... We are living it right here in the U.S. ... Its called The Obama Administration.