[vent]This is bunk..[vent]


Well-Known Member
I'm paying for my grandfathers funeral costs, that's a big dent in my pocket, I've gotten jumped a few times this September, I got arrested then let go, now apparently I'm on house arrest for burglary although they have no fucking proof of shit all, hasn't been carried threw yet, but that's what I'm guessing. And one of my friends attempted suicide and I found him.


Well-Known Member
dude, you life is hitting some serious shit right now. your friend needs a good talking to, your wallet needs a serious bolster (if I had money I'd loan you some, but I got like $300 to my name for the next month or so) I'm assuming you didn't burglarize anyone cause you seem like a nice guy but holy crap are you going through some shit.

I wish I could help you out bro, but all I can say is that you're alive. which is what I always remind myself of when I think life sucks, as long as you're alive you can move on with your life.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take the money anways man.. I'm not a charity..
hell no I didn't steal from someone, I know how it feels and if I were to steal, it would be a better reason than I needed the damn money.


Well-Known Member
I said I'd loan you the money. that means you'd pay it back someday, I ain't no rich man either!