Very dry leaves/transplant problem


Active Member
Hi guys,
I have two "problems"..

I'm two weeks into flowering and I have two ex-mothers in there (one is in soil, the other in the original rockwool cube in a pot filled with claypellets (I use flood & drain normally) so have been watering them manually.. They went 24 hours without water and maan we're they wilted/unhappy with me!

I gave them a big ol drink but I think I may have over-watered the one in rockwool/clay pellets.. as now her leaves are again wilted/very soft & flimsy...

Anyone got any thoughts? The whole "transplanting the mother from veg into a pot" which is sitting in a bucket (so the roots are probably saturated and have no oxygen getting to them also?)... I don't know what to do, it seems a waste to compost her as she has MASSIVE colas and 3 days ago was a very strong healthy female :confused:

thanks in advance to anyone that can help me out..

ps - As the title indicates they both have very very dry leaves, I have an oscilating fan, maybe its on too much? I also have home made Co2 (yeast/sugar/water) in there... again, overkill?