Vote joe gallo - 2012


Well-Known Member
Vote for Joe Gallo ... President for 2012. Here are my thoughts....

Illegal Aliens
Once they are busted, we send them to a prison that will be built just for them. They serve a one year term. After that year, they are granted a 2 year work visa. At that point they HAVE to pay taxes and renew their work visa every 2 years. The taxes they pay will help to run the prison and any extra will be used for border patrol, etc.

I will press to legalize weed every day of my term in office. Weed will be taxed and the tax money will be used to help crop farmers ..... most of which i will give government contracts to people from this site to grow our nations weed, another portion of the money will go to help fight aids and other std's.

Welfare/Food stamps
You will have to take a monthly drug test and have clean results in order to collect welfare or foodstamps.... if people who have jobs are subject to drug tests so are you.

Vote for Joe Gallo 2012!


Well-Known Member
I think you need to elaborate more on your platform more than this, it seems pretty thin.


Well-Known Member
I would if i was really going to run. But I do think my illegal alien plan and the welfare plan would be good, although yes your right I would have to be more in depth about them


New Member
Wasnt joe gallo the cat that took on the bosses and lost? Shot in some resteraunt outside or some shit. Heard he was the guy who clipped albert the the hatter as well.


Well-Known Member
ahhh yes isnt 12/25/2012 the end of the mayan calender? forgot about that. ok no joe gallo for 2012 yet.

and yes i believe that would be joe gallo you are talking about.