Water Cure


Well-Known Member
I'm about a week maybe two away from harvest and I've decided to water cure my buds.

My questions are do I just chop and place in water or do I still need to hang them upside down for a while? Can it be plain ole tap water or do I still need ph adjusted water. My tap water is 7.35 avg ph but does contain chlorine.



Well-Known Member

I am in the exact same boat as you -- I'm close to my harvest and I've decided to water cure a portion of my bud. I've done a fair amount of research on the subject so far, so I'll share what I've learned.

The point of any cure is to flush out undesirable compounds, especially those that attribute to taste in a negative manner (ie chlorophylls, etc). Fortunately for us, all those chemicals are soluble in water while THC itself isn't. So....

As soon as your buds are done, manicure them as best you care to, then transfer them directly to water. There is no need to allow them to dry for a week. I, however, would not use tap water. For under $1, you can buy a gallon of distilled water from your local grocery store. This insures pure H20..



Well-Known Member
I unfortunately almost poisoned my girls with dish soap and water mixture trying to get rid of gnats. they have survived but I know the bud will be trash as some of it turned reddish. The new growth is budding nicely albeit small. i am using the water method to make sure I get everything they have stored out including any chemicals in the anti-bacterial Dawn dish soap. Then straight into a dyhydrator.

Thanks for the advice. I'll get some distilled water.