weed in the mail


Well-Known Member
i want to send a friend of mine who is out of state some hash oil from my first harvest and i was wondering if any one has some fool proof methods of doing this. i havnt got the first clue where i would find info on doing this safely. i was thinking of putting the vial in a bag wrapthat bag in a bag in cinnamon oil then wrapping that basg in coffee. bag that one and get a peanutbutter jar and fit the bag in there then pack the pb in there and ducktape it and put it in a box. im just hella paranoid of doing this but i know theres safe ways to do it.


Well-Known Member
yeah. usa. i just saw some lod threads with basically alot of opinions, all for or against, but one guy who worked for ups said its pretty easy to get your weed to where it needs to go. but im still interested in any other opinions.
i was surprised to find out that people have recommended sending it the exact way i thought of sending it- in a peanut butter jar.
and where can i find a vaccum sealer?


Well-Known Member

dark shampoo

worked while i was in the air.... so im guessing it should work out the air too

Don MaJic

Active Member
I've sent weed before by post, just wrapped it up loads in plastic, then put it in a jiffy bag. Made sure i just put the address, no name, then sent it from post office out of town. Had no probs. I live in the UK btw, so it might be different over in US.