What area of the plant is best for cloning?


Active Member
I have some plants about 6 weeks old.

I want to clone them before flowering. None of the "branches" have more than one set of leaves.

From what I have read you must clone a "branch" with multiple sets of leaves. I should wait for "branches" or can I clone a single fan leave? I include pics if it helps.




Well-Known Member
Yeah, you should wait a bit more for the branches to grow out a bit.

If you cut the branch off between the main stalk and first node on the branch, then that branch is no useless and won't grow anything more.
I like to leave a node on the branch. Gives more clones later on.

Now if you are cloning just to sex the plant, then the left node doesn't mater (other then a popcorn bud that isn't worth the trouble of trimming. I hate trimming.)

Also, its said to be best to take cuttings from low on the plant.


Well-Known Member
Yea, if and when you decide to do it, I consulted the Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible and it has a long section on taking clones and it also instructs to take them from the lower branches, the higher you go on the plant it said it inreased the chances of the clone not rooting. I really recommend you get that book. I got it off of Amazon for 30 bux shipped in a plain brown box.


Well-Known Member
You could easily supercrop them (google for details), or LST them by tying the main growing tip below the lower nodes. Both methods will encourage branching, and give you something to work with. It's quicker than just waiting for it to happen, although you have to factor a bit of recovery time in afterwards.