What do you do with plants once harvested?


Well-Known Member
How do you get rid of your plants once you have harvested them? Do you mulch them, throw them away in a big garbage bag, burn 'em in the backyard?


Well-Known Member
Burn them in the back yard and send the buds to me. lol Depends on the medium you use. Whatever you do make sure the trash doesn't get you busted. I have trash pick up at the curb so the leaves and stems get triple bagged and put out with the rest of the trash. I use coco-coir for my medium and I just spread that around in my flower/ vegtable beds outside. VV


Well-Known Member
i am currently studying the process of making hemp, and have plans for my stalks.

mite infested remains go in the wood burner.



Active Member
word !! I have been making charcoal out of my tree trunks and use it for oil lamps and Hookas working on a coal powerd vapoo rise er ... (trying to close the loop) my current setup indoors is all solar powered hps