What else should I add?


I have a freshly potted seed with tap root in a 10oz styrofoam cup with 70:30 soil:vermiculite

I'm running some auto ak, going to do a scrog

What else should I add to the soil?


Active Member
i dont think ur gonna wanna do a scrog with a auto strain it grows to fast for most training and would just be counter intuietive


Well-Known Member
OP ditch the vermiculite add you some alfafa meal, some kelp meal, and some perlite ,jamican and mexican guano. Also you could throw in some oyster shells and some dolomite lime. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Bat guano all the way. And the rest of what these guys are saying goes as well. And perhaps some bone/blood meal.

I found a treat today in my guano:
