~What Is RO Water?Should I Use It??!!~


Well-Known Member
get the AM MJ grow..and i know you will be all good......ive never grown in coco..but the fish fert and seaweed are damn good for soil..


Well-Known Member
tap water in my area is coming out at 500 ppm...and i have no idea of what that 500 ppm consists off..RO takes my water EC level to 0..now i know where i am starting at..and what i am starting with.then i add my nutes to the water bringing it up to the desired EC levels i am looking for..and that varies ..right now im feeding at 1100 to 1200 ppm..and i know what the plants are getting...you can if you want bump up the PPM untill the edges of your leaf's start curling then back off..i dont do that..but that will give you max growth rates if you do it..on the rest of your plants..clones ect..of a certain genetic type...you will know then the max you can feed it to get max growth.
Hey Bro. Just for general info EPA Max levels for tds is 500ppm. If you have municiple water that is extreamly high. I have well water it's at 560ppm, Had to start growing to find out I have been drinking crappy water all these years.


New Member
Yea,I was going to buy the Monkey Juice grow too..but sionce Im planning on only doing SOG grows in thew future,which require only 1 week of veg,IF I veg at all..so I wont really need a grow fert that much....I know that during bloom,I really couldnt skimp on some cheap ferts..so I went all out..and will use the monkey juice bloom,big bud,overdrive,molases,AN B-52..and during veg Ill just hit wem with some fish fert and folair feed with maxicrop to really help them grow healthy...aldo,since I plan on FOLIAR feeding alot during veg,the coco coir wont be mmssed with too much,and HOPEFULLY i wont get a cal-mag deficiency..

So has anyone else ever used Maxi Crop to FOLIAR feed?


Well-Known Member
UG. Heres my City Tap Water:

'Constituent' Avg: Max:

Bicarbonate 450 --- 520
Chloride 95 ---- 275
Sodium 260 --- 360
Sulphate 110 --- 130

Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 380-450
Total Dissolved Solids 480-1000

My actual water tests at 475-510 TDS and 8.7 pH....

I'm guess that the Bicarbonate is why i have a hell of a time adjusting the pH of my tap water? i can get it to 7.0 one day and it bounces back up to 7.8 the next day. Any ideas on how to more effectively pH this crap? I'm deffinitely looking at getting a RO system, but am using bottled (33cents a gallon refill) until i get some other stuff first. By the way, these RO refills are at about 10ppm and still have a pH of about 8.8 or higher... but the pH adjusts way easy with like a single drop of 5% acidic white vinegar... whereas i can put into 8ml of vinegar in the tap water and have that huge next day bounce back.



Well-Known Member
Holy SHIT! You have some seriously hard water, and it's not just the bicarbonate. Damn, your teeth and bones must be strong. I bet if you took that water and threw in some gravel and sand you'd have concrete. Jesus H. "Jumpin'" Christ! I wonder what the nitrate and other solubles are at.

Are you getting the bounce with the R/O water? If so then I'd consider an aquarium product to buffer it down, or just filter through peat moss or soak the peat with an airstone with the water you wish to use. Test that, mix it with R/O or tap water as needed, but know that the water out of the tap has strong buffer fu.


Well-Known Member
Holy SHIT! You have some seriously hard water, and it's not just the bicarbonate. Damn, your teeth and bones must be strong. I bet if you took that water and threw in some gravel and sand you'd have concrete. Jesus H. "Jumpin'" Christ! I wonder what the nitrate and other solubles are at.

Are you getting the bounce with the R/O water? If so then I'd consider an aquarium product to buffer it down, or just filter through peat moss or soak the peat with an airstone with the water you wish to use. Test that, mix it with R/O or tap water as needed, but know that the water out of the tap has strong buffer fu.
Naw, the RO store bought water doesn't bounce much. I've given up on the home brew and am shelling out for the Eliminator RO system today... found it for 176.50, best deal i could find. You can imagine how many problems i was having trying to keep my plants healthy before i got my pH and TDS meter :D

i'd rep, but it says i have to spread the love :)


Well-Known Member
i use half tap,half RO....works fine, i dont think you can buy it off the shelf in a normal store tho...only hydro shops?


Well-Known Member
i use half tap,half RO....works fine, i dont think you can buy it off the shelf in a normal store tho...only hydro shops?

what's that? the RO system? you can buy them at Home Depot i know... but their 'biggest' system can only handle like 10 gallons a day... whereas the Eliminator says it can do 100 gallons a day. but 150.00 plus shipping isn't too bad, off ebay. i'm guessing i'll need 50 gallons every other day or every third day, so the 10 gallons a day wouldn't cut it, plus it actually costs more than the new one i found on ebay.


New Member
what's that? the RO system? you can buy them at Home Depot i know... but their 'biggest' system can only handle like 10 gallons a day... whereas the Eliminator says it can do 100 gallons a day. but 150.00 plus shipping isn't too bad, off ebay. i'm guessing i'll need 50 gallons every other day or every third day, so the 10 gallons a day wouldn't cut it, plus it actually costs more than the new one i found on ebay.
dam you gotta a big grow?Ill juss buy me a small ro system..I onlyu need a couple gallons everyn other day....rite now im usinh my tap water..hopefully its not too bad..im using alasdka fihsfert & maxicop to foliar feed...


Well-Known Member
dam you gotta a big grow?Ill juss buy me a small ro system..I onlyu need a couple gallons everyn other day....rite now im usinh my tap water..hopefully its not too bad..im using alasdka fihsfert & maxicop to foliar feed...

don't worry, if your water is 'too bad' ... your plants will deffinitely let you know :D just a word to the wise, like i was saying... it seems that many of these "small" systems cost as much as the Eliminator. So... if you can get a big screen t.v. for the price of a smaller one... and its going to last longer before it needs filter changes....


New Member
I really cant wait to try out the foliar feeding with Maxi Crop..Ive heard it works miracles during vegging..and really makes the plants green and healthy...also,it owent mess with the medium itself..wqhich is a plus when you working wqith coco coir,and hav no calmag supp,emnt..


Well-Known Member
AN makes a product called VHO..it is great for veg..it is VERY VERY HIGH in nitrogen..i use it will dutch masters penatrator .DM reverse...liquid karma...organic B ill take it up to 800 PPM with the VHO..you will see your veg GROWTH EXPLODE...if you use it everyday..your mothers will have branchs blooming out of everywhere for cutting's...on the dutch masters penatrator..if you ever use that shit..be very very carefull..just use a little of it..like 2 ml a quart..no more than that.i dont care what the directions say on the bottle...and the VHO..use only the recomended amountif you donthave a PPm meter...but a hanna PPM meter can be had on ebay for under 30 bucks..so can the good hanna PH meter..just run your solution that is going into your spray bottle up to around 400 ppm to start..with small plants.then bump it up to 800 ppm...and watch em explode with growth...


New Member
-Ive always had my eyes on that VHO..I wanna use it for my mother plants and cuttings..so do you just apply via foliar feeding..or as a drench nutrient? Ill like to use it as a foliar feeding..the way I c..the less shit and chemicals going into your actualk medium and roots..the less you have to worry about ph,ppm,nute lockeouts,etc..am I right?


Well-Known Member
you have to worry about VHO..it is recomended to ajust with a EC meter to 800 ppm...i just spray the plants down with it once a day...and i have new leave's and branch's poping out of everywhere...and plants are nice and GREEN...i dont use anything but plain water on cuttings..till they have roots..ive been bumping the last several feedings up to around 1200 EC im still in veg .the plants love it and are staying green..i have backed off and im only feeding once every other watering..and water every other day..unless in quart pots..then i water every day in small pots...even plain water your pour on your plants needs to be PH ballanced...you are feeding the plant with the soil to a certain degree when you are growing in soil..moss..ect.the plant takes what it needs from the soil..it cant if the PH is wacked out'. the root area ..is where your plant starts its growth at...so at first when you are growing a plant you are growing the roots to support and feed the plant...products ..such as rhizotonic...and sensizyme..voodoo juice..and other products produce a colony of good bacteria ...that help support and feed the roots ..things like fulvic and humic acid help the plant uptake nutes and digest nutes...and carbohydrates....AN is not the only company that makes some of these products..several companys for example make fulvic and humic..and seaweed extract..i think there are some cheaper alternative's to advanced nutes ..on SOME THINGS..doctor hornby's products are a complete exception...that guy is a weed user..and knows his shit..if he puts his name on it..it is expensive...it is good...and made for growing good weed...all of this is in my humble opinion...here i am all stoned and cant stop typing..good luck bro...