What strain for what condition


Well-Known Member
Has anyone done a thread with a list of what strains they use for specific conditions? I would love to build a sticky for this


Well-Known Member
Has anyone done a thread with a list of what strains they use for specific conditions? I would love to build a sticky for this
Here in AZ alot of the dispensaries, or clubs rather, are selling bubba kush for use against seizures and a condition referred to as wasting sydrome i think its called. also capt jack is very popular for appetite stimulation? not 100% on that last one..sorry cant be more help. maybe some others on here will have a more complete list. cheers


Well-Known Member
I always here about high thc and pain management. What about cbds and neurological impacts. My mother has CPID which eats the myelin off your nerves leaving them exposed. Would love to get her off of all the meds, especially because it was caused from taking Lipitor.


Well-Known Member
Wow thats heavy man..best wishes to you and your family. i really couldnt comment on nerve damage..i use my meds for muscle and joint pain/tension. unfortunately i doubt that it helps your needs but if you were interested chemd is unparalleled for joint pain for me and my wife.


Well-Known Member
Wow thats heavy man..best wishes to you and your family. i really couldnt comment on nerve damage..i use my meds for muscle and joint pain/tension. unfortunately i doubt that it helps your needs but if you were interested chemd is unparalleled for joint pain for me and my wife.
Hey that's great news. I wouldnt say I smoke because of my knees but it def is better than all the meds I started taking when I was 11. Broke both knees in football going into 6th grade. Doc said not to do surgery because I was growing and was a big fatty as a kid (bad for joints) I used to take percs, vics, naproxen, somas and a cpl yrs ago tried a skeletal muscle relaxer called skelaxen. I guess it worked with a cpl Guiness' lol


Well-Known Member
I find bud helps most with my adhd and insomnia. Also helps keep me from smacking people I come across during the day :hug: