What to do with roots growing through drainage holes


Active Member
Just transplanted my 26 day old Lemon Skunk from a 3 gallon to a 5 gallon. The height was about the same, and the 5 gallon is of course wider.

I waterered until runoff was coming out of the rather large drainage holes in the bottom. I could see some of the roots still. I pushed them back in, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before they start growing out of the drainage holes. I've got a ways to go yet.

Was I correct to push them back in? Or, should I trim them when they come out? The 5 gallon container is going to be the final size, so I'm not going to be transplanting again.


Well-Known Member
You touched the root with your bare hand?!?!?!?! Probaly already have rot growing through your root system. Sorry dude, but you never touch the roots with your bare hands.


Active Member
That's ok, I'm learning still. What would have been the appropriate response to roots growing out of drainage holes other than the obvious transplanting? I am in the final 5 gallon size already.

Also, is there anything I can do to help my plants chances since I touched the roots?


Well-Known Member
Was just kidding dude. Dont worry about the roots that find the drainage holes. They will keep themselves pruned as you move the bucket around.


Active Member
Sounds better than root rot, thanks. I was wondering since I still have a long way to go, and I was guessing she didn't want to commit suicide by growing out of her largest container she's going to get.


Active Member
LOL....I was about to give you hell cowboylogic.Then I saw you were kidding.OP he's absolutely right.Don't sweat it.