When Is The Best Time To Plant Seeds?


Well-Known Member
I live in cali in a place known for its perfect growing conditions. When is the best time to plant some veggies from seeds and what not.


Well-Known Member
If you want big plants, start the seeds a few weeks early indoors....
That said, some veggies will take long to germinate when its not warm enough (a heatpad is usefull for that).
Also once outside, it needs to be warm enough for plants to access neutrients.
I Find keeping an eye on nature, i.e. when do the weeds start comming out, or my cristmas roses start budding, then I know, nature is wakeing up from her slumber.

I find it a very usefull startegy for places with no clearly defined seasonal boundaries... A warm day in winter is indistinguishable from a nice spring day here. We do get real summer though. thermomenters better go up to 50C to survive here.

Of coarse you get winter veggies too, lots of squashes, the whole kale family, cabages etc... oh and peas love the cold, as long as they get nice light exposure.