When is the Best Time to Polinate a Female?


Active Member
sorry i mean when should u add the male polen to the bud? in what stage of flowering should i brush the pollen on? then from what i read i have roughly 6 weeks from this til the seeds are ready


Well-Known Member
Most strains will have pistils showing after two weeks, some earlier.... there is no specific time, just when the plant has pistils out seeking pollen. You want to do it early enough that she has time to produce seeds....

how many weeks into flowering should a female be polinated?


Well-Known Member

no no....you grasp a male firmly while holding it over a female and shake it like a terrier on a snake...

nature knows best....

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
for me most strains are good at 21 days...when they have established some nice floral clusters

if you only wanna polinate a few buds..take a male flower that hasnt opened up yet but is ready to...roll it in your fingers till the polen drops out...its a good way if you only want 50 beans or so.

chef c

Well-Known Member
i like waiting until 23-25. lots of pistels, plenty of time to finish, uniformity in the maturity of the seed.

cary schellie

Active Member
i actually added pollen to a ww auto while some of the hairs were turning orange and i ended up with tons of nice seeds.


Active Member
i actually added pollen to a ww auto while some of the hairs were turning orange and i ended up with tons of nice seeds.
how long did it take til the seeds where ready? i just checked mine and the pods have a small imature green seed in it, do u no how long i have til there ready?