Whey protein and shrooms???


Active Member
My question is this, I take Whey Protein when I work out.. well one night I did not clean out my GNC shaker well enough and apparently some of the powder was left at the bottom, the next morning I woke up and the bottom of my shaker was covered in mildew... so I began to think that if this works so well as a catalyst for growth of mildew and mold why not for mushies? perhaps where the brown rice flour is used in the PF tek method someone could try or has tried Whey instead as the "food" for the shrooms... my theory is that perhaps it could decrease colonization time and make for stronger growth seeing as all it is is pure protein... any idea's thoughts or people willing to try it ? I would love to hear about it if you do or if you have...


Well-Known Member
if i remember right i tried adding protein to a jar of WBS once... it contamed.
you could do that... but the ph would change alot, you would need to balance it out with agricultural lime, but why waste all that expencive protein when you could just use kentucky stud H-poo, or use rye seed. it would not come out as well with the protein as it would with the other options. but you could always try it ant way. it could be alright. i
never did the pf tech anyway, it's the worst way to growmushies.