white mold


Active Member
As I came into grow room I looked and ther is white stuff on the top layer of the soil in most of my plants I am using mirical grow poting soil.... if I scap the top layer off it goes away it is not on the plants I am about 50-65% humidity I also have the co2 in the milk jug trick My plant look great so anyone that can tell what the hell is going on I dont want my little girls to DIE


Active Member
it looks like i have the same shit on mine as i used MG soil too but I don't think its mold just texture of drying out MG soil


Active Member
yeah it does, i just watered them and noticed it really well...I wasn't scared for the past month cause it always seems to appear when top soil begins to get dry...but i dont know i'd like some more opinions on this matter as well


Well-Known Member
it starts smelling funky if it's grey mold. also, check your hygrometer to ensure it's accurate(put it outside, then check the weather channel). you may be sporting a way higher level of humidity than you though.