White Widow Experimental Outdoor Grow 08


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I got some white widow seeds from Lexterian (RIU is awesome for meeting buddies, despite what all of you say) in early June, and I germed/sprouted them mid June-ish.

For those of you who don't remember, I'm doing this 100% natural. No ferts. No organic boosters of any kind. Only dirt, water, and sunshine. (unless my plant is in mortal danger from pests)

Anyways, there were problems from day one.

Firstly, Seattle decided to have a nice two week 40 degree cold spell. No sunshine, no rain, just cold. Worst first two weeks, ever. Did some serious growth stunting.

And then a couple of weeks after that, as my plants were terrorized by an unknown assailant. I'm figuring it was my cat. My cat is kind of a jerk. There were knocked over cups, dirt, and dead little plants scattered across my roof.

There was only one survivor.

So, as it began to get root bound in it's sprout cup, it was time for a transplant. Which went very well. I was pleased.

Then came the next transplant. Which went poorly. Some of the roots (big ones) got torn off. The plant was very unhappy, but made a full recovery.

And now we're at the present. Final moving day for my plant. It's been on my roof since it started to show it's first set of actual leafs. It's been about a month and a half.

The damage done to the little plant was excessive, and it's growth has been pretty badly stunted, but it's still very healthy. No spots. Nice and green. In the picture it looks droopy, but that's because it's sleep time. I'm moving it tonight (under the cloak of darkness) to it's final growing spot.

Here are a few pictures:

It's not very big, but it's healthy. This grow is more of a learning experience more than a serious bud grow. I have learned the weather patterns of Seattle, and that the people across the street don't care about my roof garden (I've got all kinds of crap on the roof).
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