Who Grows Strawberries Indoors?


Well-Known Member
i have some going in my grow and im wondering how you guys pollenate yours?

im having a hard time getting it done properly. i keep ending up with misshapen berries because i only pollenate part of the flower so only part of the berrie grows.



New Member
I've got no help to offer, but I'm curious what light schedule strawberries require indoors. I've thought about growing a few myself, but I didn't find a whole lot of info about it on google.


Well-Known Member
No idea we only grow herb here my friend. well i do :)
thats why this is in the gardening section. :roll:

I've got no help to offer, but I'm curious what light schedule strawberries require indoors. I've thought about growing a few myself, but I didn't find a whole lot of info about it on google.
i just keep them in my veg area under t-12's @ 18/6. the variety i have is not photoperiod sensitive, they are everbearing meaning they fruit all season. there are photosensitive varieties i believe though.

unfortunatly we are used to the kind of documentation that comes with MJ growing. very few cultivated plants have the resources availible that are availible for growing dope. i was on a pepper site looking for cloning answers the other day and kept getting refered to RIU by pepper growers because, 'those dope growin guys really know thier stuff'.


Well-Known Member
All i know is i tried strawberries outside and they burnt up in the shade. Greenhouse BS. If you buy it and put it under the sun it dies. All my corn was crap because the seed was crap. I have seen other small crops go to watse around the hood and wally world took all thier seeds of the shelfs. Anyways you may have to get some outdoor strawberrires and grow from seed. My friend has them growing wild under his deck in complete shade. I still havent quite figured out strawberries.

About growing advise, i have been using weed as an exapmle for every plant.....its worked up until strawberries. I think everyone with a gardn and a shed grows thier own weed too. I always wonder how many sheds i pass have weed growing in them. Or how many houses, or what wharehouse got it. Is it the printshop bodega? Or is it the concrete plant thats been around forever and never does much business.


Well-Known Member
I've been growing strawberries outside for over 5 years. To be honest with you, mine have pollinated themselves. I went from 3 strawberry plants to 20 (there might be more I'm still counting them) they have kind of taken over part of my yard. So sorry I can't give you info on pollenation but good luck. Sorry for the ads but I can't post picks on the site.


the term 'self pollenating' means that a single plant can pollenate itself. no second set of genes is neccessary to reproduce. if your plants are outside then they are pollenated naturally, weather by wind or insects.

thanks for the replies though.

softwhite- are your everbearing or junebearing?


Well-Known Member
the term 'self pollenating' means that a single plant can pollenate itself. no second set of genes is neccessary to reproduce. if your plants are outside then they are pollenated naturally, weather by wind or insects.

thanks for the replies though.

softwhite- are your everbearing or junebearing?
I wasn't emplying that they were "self pollenating" I meant I wasn't using any special method. I didn't use any tools I just let them be. Sorry for the confusion.


Well-Known Member
I've yet to make strawberries grow indoors. I get them under the lights to get them going and whatnot, but the garden has always served me well when it comes to them actually fruiting. I'd imagine it's possible to cultivate them indoors, but it's like you said there is little to no literature when it comes to growing things like this. Maybe this is a subtle hint that some things are meant to be grown outside. Bees are unsung heroes to the unknowing horticulturalist.
The pepper site guy was right though, bud growers really know their stuff at times.


Well-Known Member
I've never grown strawberries indoors, but I'd imagine you can pollinate them pretty much the same way you pollinate other fruiting plants indoors. Give 'em a good shake, put a fan on them, or vibrate the flowers with an electric toothbrush.


Active Member
I've never grown strawberries indoors, but I'd imagine you can pollinate them pretty much the same way you pollinate other fruiting plants indoors. Give 'em a good shake, put a fan on them, or vibrate the flowers with an electric toothbrush.
I read that you have to squeeze each flower to pollinate.

I was planning on running berries but decided against it when I found out I would need to "self pollen" as in myself doing the pollinating.


Well-Known Member
I've yet to make strawberries grow indoors. I get them under the lights to get them going and whatnot, but the garden has always served me well when it comes to them actually fruiting. I'd imagine it's possible to cultivate them indoors, but it's like you said there is little to no literature when it comes to growing things like this. Maybe this is a subtle hint that some things are meant to be grown outside. Bees are unsung heroes to the unknowing horticulturalist.
The pepper site guy was right though, bud growers really know their stuff at times.
yeah, i think i may give up on the experiment. i have 4 plants in a window-style box in my veg room. one is producing flowers and odd-looking berries but the other 3 are throwing runners(got close to a dozen!). ive been rooting the runners in vermiculite and im gonna simulate winter and put them outside next year and see how they fare.

thanks to all who read and replied. sorry if i came off as snippy over the self pollenating thing.:peace: