why are all trump speeches in "gun free zones"?


Well-Known Member
he said he'd get rid of gun free zones "on day one"

“I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools, and — you have to — and on military bases,” he said at a rally in Burlington, Vermont, in January. “My first day, it gets signed, okay? My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones.”

he lied.




Well-Known Member
he said he'd get rid of gun free zones "on day one"

“I will get rid of gun-free zones on schools, and — you have to — and on military bases,” he said at a rally in Burlington, Vermont, in January. “My first day, it gets signed, okay? My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones.”

he lied.


there weren't any gun free zones at Douglas..he should swing by for a rally this weekend..mar-a-lago's only 40 miles away:wink:

does anyone think he'll show and why? i'm going to say it's a hard call..his narcissism will be tugging on him but the fear of having to 'deal' with angry parents of his own semi-circle may prove too risky- these are people of wealth and they might get to close and TOUCH him.
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Well-Known Member
Boys learn what women will put up with, by looking at what their moms put up with from their dads.


Well-Known Member
we need a wall..a wall to protect us from Walmart purchased gun shooters aka mentally ill rednecks aka the red hatter flannels..


Well-Known Member
Boys learn what women will put up with, by looking at what their moms put up with from their dads.
or women say 'i'm breaking the cycle' and follow through..my ex-husband backed me up into a corner in the kitchen with my kids' step stool, raised above his head to strike me with..THAT was the end..



Well-Known Member
If they beleive their bullshit that more guns always makes a situatkion safer, its crazy they dont allow them into the rallies... why not? It needs to be asked of him and all maga minions...

I think these kids in Florida, God bless em, are adding fight to the cause of common sense gun laws that it has never had before... they could be the tipping point... i seen a major GOP donor has cracked and said enoughs enough, hes writing no more checks to anyone who opposes an assault rifle ban... we have to make it shameful to take money from the NRA not a badge of honor to vote with them 100%

These activist kids in Florida give me hope ive not yet had in this perdicament we are in..