why are my leaf edges all misshaped??


Well-Known Member
its nothing too drastic, but the pointy serrated edges of my 9 day old babies are somewhat curled up and non symetrical/ weird shaped.

i though they were reacting to the light being too close so i moved it away further but they haven't changed.

any ideas?? thanks everyone

NYC Diesel

New Member
How closewere your lights? Do the edges feel crispy, or fresh and alive? It could be a result of permanent damage from the lights


Well-Known Member
is it something to really worry about or will it generally sort it self out?

my pH cant be too out of whack or change that drastically because they are in a nute free seed starter mix (spagnum moss/ perlite etc) and I've only watered twice, both times with distilled water. they are 9 days old. sorry i dont have a camera

any more thoughts??


Well-Known Member
ph could deffinately be off man! some peoples water comes out of the tap at 8.5+ ph...

i have the same leaf problems with sometimes, usualy happened to me when using cfls and trying to keep them as close as possable.

i wouldnt go by this but its an ongoing research project of mine, every time i have had a few plants started from seed and that has happened it doesnt happen to all the plants, the ones that it did happen to turned out to be female every time, while the ones that didnt look streased at all and looked just like perfectly shaped mint leaf lookin leaves turned out to be male. this has happend 3 different times that i can be compleatly sure of.

this could just be a coinsidence but to me it seems like there is something more to leaf formation.

NYC Diesel

New Member
On second thought, it could be the cotelydon(i think thats how u spell it) dieing. They always start to die after more mature leaves start to grow


Well-Known Member
ph could deffinately be off man! some peoples water comes out of the tap at 8.5+ ph...

i have the same leaf problems with sometimes, usualy happened to me when using cfls and trying to keep them as close as possable.

i wouldnt go by this but its an ongoing research project of mine, every time i have had a few plants started from seed and that has happened it doesnt happen to all the plants, the ones that it did happen to turned out to be female every time, while the ones that didnt look streased at all and looked just like perfectly shaped mint leaf lookin leaves turned out to be male. this has happend 3 different times that i can be compleatly sure of.

this could just be a coinsidence but to me it seems like there is something more to leaf formation.
im using store bought distilled water

well its on probably six of the eight plants, and yes, I am using cfl's also and trying to keep them real close. six females would be niiiiice!

but you don't think its a major cause for concern yet right? just watch it and make sure it doesnt get worse?

thanks for all the intellegent insight guys.


Well-Known Member
mk store water should be good. do you get it out of the water machine at the store or just buy bottled water? the water from the machine is reverse osmosis water, the best possable water you could feed your babys. other bottled water is still ok, just wondering.

its nothin to worry about, if its streas it will diminish as it grows, they may stay like that but the newer ones should be able to take it and grow a little more evenly. it was probly just a little too much for them starting off. now that they can get used to the light as they grow, it should be fine. nothing to worry about, some strains are even known for strictly growing just like that all the time, no matter what. like blueberry.