Why does Attitude decline my bank card?


Active Member
The weirdest thing is. I have bought from attitude before with my Visa and it went through without any conflict. My bankers are morons. I ask them and they have no idea what's wrong. Then they ask me. What are you trying to buy? I tell them seeds. They ask what kind. I tell them tomat. I don't like questions. At least anything that could reveal what I'm really buying so I just drop it. And now I know I can't ask bank. At least not for help with this problem.


Well-Known Member
Call Attitude and do your payment over the phone, it happens all the time they will check your account and you order should be there.


Active Member
5 people have all said this but the op still think it's on the attitudes end of things.. smh..
This is happening to me now as we speak lol my bank won't let it go through gonna call and tell them it's fine Idk why this bullshit it so hard I don't need protection from UK