Why Don't All Clones Hermie?


Well-Known Member
Stress causes hermies, so why doesn't cloning cause them every time? A mother is usually chopped to bits over long periods of time which is stressful, and the branch that is cut, stripped scraped planted, kept in weak light and high humidity is stressed, so why don't they all go hermaph?


Well-Known Member
Kind of like light leaks. You can take a plant and reveg without hermy. But yet a light leak, which is basically extending light cycle back to veg they hermy?


Well-Known Member
Stress causes hermies, so why doesn't cloning cause them every time? A mother is usually chopped to bits over long periods of time which is stressful, and the branch that is cut, stripped scraped planted, kept in weak light and high humidity is stressed, so why don't they all go hermaph?
...stress by itself isn't the cause that makes these plants go hermie but rather it's in their genepool, ...i'm no geneticist or botanist but i know that the truth is that MOST mj plants DON'T hermie during the cloning process.

btw, if you ever consider learning how to make your own femminized beans be sure to run any plants you are considering as parent stock in as many stressful ways as possible and if you can get it to hermie, don't waste your time femminzing it, instead only femminize plants that don't hermie no matter how much stress you put them through.

peace, bozo

TMG Genetics

New Member
A plants genetics will be predisposed to hermy traits, then add in light leaks and other stress factors and you get hermies. Bottom line, the plants genetics must be predisposed to this trait. I do all sorts of stressful stuff to a plant when I am breeding a new strain just for this purpose. Some strains will take it all and not hermy, some get the slightest light leak or too much/little nutes etc....and bam, hermy.


Well-Known Member
Well clones get a bit of veg time and some vigor back after cloning I don't flower a clone until she looks healthy and happy I'm sure most do so imo it recovers from the stress before flowering you may have an issue if you clone it 4+ weeks in and keep flowering that should be stressful but the clone is not stressed out except for while it is rooting. Now if the plant was a straight up hermie every cut will be cause its in the genetics. Not to mention a breeder would not breed with a plant that don't do good cloning cause they keep the same mom and dad plant for years so they have the same quality seed.


Well-Known Member
Usually you clone during veg and you can do pretty much whatever you want to a plant in veg and it will recover. It might take awhile but they can generally recover from everything short of being chopped below the first node (if it's a plant from seed and above the cotes it can even survive that). I also clip a lot of little shit that is too far below the canopy to amount to anything a few weeks into flower and if that hermed a plant it would not last in my garden.