Why is my out door sativa pistils drying off

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I've had that, don't know what causes it but it's not a good sign.....

Not to be harsh but your girl looks rather spindly, more light.

Good luck


Active Member
Sativas act differently then Indicas. These usually mean that plant is not fully in flowering stage and is vegging again. All pistils will dry off on the main stem. The ones on the branches will turn to seed. Your light period is more than what this requires to continue flowering. Also I have noticed temperature play a vital part in flowering of landrace sativas. A hotter temperature/direct sun will also get the pistils to dry off. Keep the plant going, it will start flowering automatically when everything is right for her. I have sativas that vegged for 10 months before they actually flowered. They did this dry pistils thingy amd seed thingy once, vegged for another 6 months and then started flowering. See pics attached of the plant I am talking about.

